Score Writer, a Genie Soft notation PC software, is what I use for all my music. The score note is what you hear, and not the microphone.
Cake Walk published the Score Writer first version. This version doesn’t work with VST instruments. Genie Soft has version 4 of the version that supports Virtual Studio Technology. SynthFont VST was downloaded from VSTSynFont ( V1.003 ). It allows Score Writer to use VST instruments. The Chaos 8Mb soundfont was also available for download. SynthFont VST combined with Chaos 8MB Soundfont creates a sound very similar to that produced by real musical instruments. The flute is an excellent example. A note blown for an extended period of time can produce a sound similar to a human’s breath. The sound you hear for one note may not be the same for the whole period. Score Writer 1 cannot produce this effect as it does not support VST.
Score Writer uses the feature of panning. It is the location of all musical instruments in the hall. It is possible to place the piano in the left-hand corner of the hall, while the cello may be on the opposite side. The centre of the hall represents the center with a panning range from negative 64 to positiv 63.
Classic Reverb can be used to add reverberation to your music Tubidy. Classic Reverb was free to download. Classic Reverb lets you adjust the size of the room to make the music feel like it’s being played in the actual hall.
Music written using score notes is performed by all musical instruments to a beat which is impossible to achieve by human hands. This could be the main problem with music that is written using score notes. This issue can be resolved by humanizing music. One musical sound should be played a bit later than the others. Once a suitable instrument has been chosen, the whole track of the music will be played a bit slower than others (a Demisemiquaver- 1/32 notes to slow the tempo at 110 Crotchets an minute). Music that has one note is heard loudly by all instruments (orchestra hits), certain instruments will sound slightly slower. These are my two favorite practices in music humanityization.
After the notes have been written, the music can then be converted to music format by using Score Writer’s “Record to File” function. It is necessary to have music in WAV format to burn the music on CD. Nero can be used to accomplish this task by simply loading the WAV file into Nero.
Music files in WAV file format are taking up too much memory (between 30Mb and 60Mb for a music of length 4 minutes). This is why it is not very popular for use on-line. The music is converted into MP3 format where the file size is usually 1/10. Audio MID recorder is used to convert the music.
Before Audio MID Recorder can convert the files, the necessary format must first be established. The recorder will not be concerned about the music’s file format. This music can come in any format. It also means we can convert WAV File Frequency 44100 in 16 bits into WAV File Frequency 32000 in 8 bit. Or, converting MP3 192Kbps from MP3 112Kbps. The recorder records whatever is heard in the correct format. This is also a way to increase the volume.